
Marillion - Pittsburgh 1997 & Mexico City 1994

Ajouté le 05/11/2023 - 15:23
Marillion - Pittsburgh 1997 & Mexico City 1994

Genre : Rock

Type : Albums

Nombre de pistes : 21

Label : Radio Broadcast Music Ltd. – 59784

01. Cover My Eyes (Mexico CIty 1994) (4:11)
02. Slainte Mhath (Mexico CIty 1994) (4:29)
03. Uninvited Guest (Mexico CIty 1994) (3:54)
04. Sugar Mice (Mexico CIty 1994) (5:50)
05. Runaway (Mexico CIty 1994) (4:36)
06. Goodbye To All That (Mexico CIty 1994) (3:35)
07. Hard As Love (Mexico CIty 1994) (7:42)
08. The Hollow Man (Mexico CIty 1994) (4:11)
09. Paper Lies (Mexico CIty 1994) (4:52)
10. Brave (Mexico CIty 1994) (9:02)
11. Made Again (Mexico CIty 1994) (5:06)

01. Alone Again In The Lap Of Luxury (Pittsburgh 1997) (5:18)
02. Hard As Love (Pittsburgh 1997) (6:07)
03. 80 Days (Pittsburgh 1997) (4:41)
04. Kayleigh (Pittsburgh 1997) (4:04)
05. Lavender (Pittsburgh 1997) (4:13)
06. Afraid of Sunlight (Pittsburgh 1997) (6:38)
07. Man Of A Thousand Faces (Pittsburgh 1997) (7:14)
08. Estonia (Pittsburgh 1997) (7:16)
09. Easter (Pittsburgh 1997) (5:52)
10. Hooks In You (Pittsburgh 1997) (2:48)

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